For a small company focused on innovation, with a strong investment in R&D, flexibility and spontaneity are critical. On the other hand, too much informality can create management grey zones, communication bottlenecks and loss of traceability of decisions and information. We chose to work under the ISO 9001 quality management and continuous improvement guidelines, and last year we certified our company according to this norm. The audits for a first certification are, in our experience, focused on understanding whether there is a system in place, but renewal audits are focused on whether the system is actually used. We are glad to announce that our quality system and management processes were successfully audited late 2023 and in January we received our new ISO 9001 certificate from SGS!
Ophiomics @ EASL Milan 2024
Ophiomics is present @EASL2024 in Milan. Visit us at Biotech Village BT3 to discover how HepatoPredict will